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    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 17:02













       【英文介绍/For English】:

       The strawberry bear means that only love can resolve the hatred in the heart. In addition to love, there are trust, tolerance, care, care, and beauty that can pour out kindness. It symbolizes that people who are not bad in nature will definitely be able to reform themselves. Strawberry Bear is a character in "Toy Story". Its aliases are Laosu Bear and Xiong Baoge. Because it smells sweet strawberry, it is called Strawberry Bear.

      Strawberry Bear Character Experience:

      Strawberry Bear looks very simple and honest, but in fact it is the biggest villain. The reason why the strawberry bear became the villain was that it was accidentally forgotten by the owner Andy in the wild. When it came back, it found that the owner already had a new love by his side, which was very sad. The sad past of the strawberry bear in the play, from the sunny, warm and bright moment at the beginning to thunder and lightning, cold wind and rain, coupled with the weeping and blood accompaniment of the violin song, cant help but make people cry and cry out of distress.

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