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  • 薰衣草是什么味道,请问樱花是什么味道?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:38













      2、却又不似百合那般淡然,也不同于玫瑰的浓烈;有人说,薰衣草的味道,更神似榴莲,不喜欢的人,闻过之后会避开它;而喜欢它的人,却从此深深沉迷,恒久痴恋。 这种独特的香味,很可能牵念着诗一般的忧郁……虽然忧郁却不幽怨,如秋夜里一轮弯弯的胧月,欲语还休;总似在倾诉,抑或是在遥望着一段咫尺天涯的思念。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Sakura itself is fragrant, but the taste is bitter, not suitable for direct consumption. In Japan, there is a habit of eating cherry blossoms, but most of them are eaten after baking, steaming, salting, etc., and the dishes made from cherry blossoms do not have the pink color of cherry blossoms themselves, and other accessories need to be added. Most of the cherry blossom snacks eaten are mainly sweet with a touch of acid. It is not the original taste of cherry blossoms, because the sweet and slightly sour are in line with peoples imagination of the taste of cherry blossoms, and the appearance of pink is easy to make diners "brain" the so-called "sakura" taste.

      What does cherry blossom smell like?

      The aroma of cherry blossoms is very light and sweet, the color of cherry blossoms is bright and bright, and the branches and leaves are lush. It can be planted in groups, and can also be planted on hillsides, courtyards, roadsides, and in front of buildings. In full bloom, the flowers are gorgeous, the trees are full of flowers, and the clouds are like clouds, which is extremely spectacular. It can be planted in large areas to form a sea of ​​flowers landscape, can be dotted in three or five clusters on the green space to form a brocade, or can be planted alone to form a picture of a little red in the ten thousand green clusters. Cherry blossoms can also be used as street trees, hedges or bonsai.

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