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  • 怎样找对正确的东南西北四个方向,请问辨认东

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:43












      1、利用指南针来辨别方向。 拿苹果手机里的指南针为例。手机地图本身就是设定了方向的,一般你拿起开通了GPS的手机时,映入你眼帘的手机地图可能与你面朝的方向是不一样的,这时你可以看你地图上你的定位点的方向,它所指的方向就是你面向的方向。比如说我现在面向的就是东南方向。 手机地图的指南针初始方向设定的就是指北的,在指北的时候指南针不会出现,一旦你移动了地图改变了方向,指南针就会出现了。建议你们不要双手去摆弄地图,就让它保持原样就行了。你就根据指南针去辨别方向,这个应该是比较简单的。 而我们的出租车司机其实就是利用手机地图来辨别方向的,这真的一点都不难。 当然,其实手机地图辨别方向真的不是非常准确的。笔者还有其它方法。

      2、利用地图来辨别方向。 平日里没事多看看地图,了解一下地铁的大概走向。比如说我之前的公司是在某某地铁站的东南方向,


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The way to identify the four directions of east, south, north and west is to first determine the east. Because the reference in the East is special, it is easy to distinguish. Under normal conditions, the sun rises from the east and sets from the west. Therefore, people use the sun as a reference when identifying the east, west, and north. The place where the sun rises is the east, and the opposite direction of the east is the west. Turn the direction, starting from the east, turn 90 degrees for the south, turn counterclockwise, turn 90 degrees for the north.

      Recognize the formulas of the southeast and northwest:

      Up north down south left west right east. Face the sun when you wake up in the morning, east in front, west in back, north on left and south on right. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The commonly used directions are up, down, east, west, south, and north. On the ground plane, East (Due East), West (Due West), South (Due South), and North (Due North) are the four most basic directions.

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