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  • 浙江稠州银行上班时间!稠州银行春节放假时间

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:48







      浙江稠州商业银行是一家具有独立法人资格的股份制商业银行,成立于1987年6月。1998年以来连续获得义乌市经济发展贡献奖、综合实力奖。总行及各分支行多次被省、地、市等各级主管部门评为AAA级纳税信誉企业、慈善事业突出贡献奖、文明单位、巾帼文明示范岗、治安先进单位等荣誉称号,2007年被评选为中国城商行十大最具竞争力品牌 。






      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Branch business department, business hours from February 3 to February 7: 10:00-15:00. Mochouhu Sub-branch, Jianye Sub-branch, Guanghua Road Sub-branch, Lishui Sub-branch, and Pukou Sub-branch are only open for business on February 3rd, business hours: 10:00-15:00. Jiangning Sub-branch, Lukou Small and Micro Sub-branch, and Tangshan Small and Micro Sub-branch are temporarily closed. All outlets will be open for business as usual from February 10.

      Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank is a joint-stock commercial bank with independent legal personality, established in June 1987. Since 1998, it has successively won the Yiwu Economic Development Contribution Award and the Comprehensive Strength Award. The head office and various branches have been awarded the honorary titles of AAA-level tax-paying credit enterprise, outstanding contribution award for charity, civilized unit, female civilized demonstration post, and advanced public security unit by provincial, prefecture, municipal and other competent authorities for many times. Selected as the "Top Ten Most Competitive Brands of Chinas City Commercial Banks".

    上一篇:钻石夺宝幸运值多少满,请问钻石夺宝多少幸运 下一篇:一寸照片尺寸是多少厘米,请问一寸照片是多大

