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  • 限行小路拍吗,请问限行走小路可以吗?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:11














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Restricted walking is not allowed. During the restricted period, vehicles with the corresponding tail number are not allowed to go on the road, and those who violate the restricted passage regulations will be deducted points and fined. When you find that your vehicle is in the restricted traffic period, you should try not to travel, or try not to drive into the restricted traffic area. For those who have already entered the restricted area, in order to avoid secondary penalties, they should leave the restricted area as soon as possible. The tail number restriction system is a kind of traffic system that was born to relieve urban traffic pressure. After the implementation of the measures, it will play a role in alleviating urban traffic congestion. During the 2008 Beijing Olympics test competition, Beijing began to limit the number of odd and even numbers. On odd-numbered dates, only private cars with an odd number at the end of the vehicle number can go on the road, and on even-numbered dates, only private cars with an even number at the end of the vehicle number can go on the road.

    上一篇:颐和园的腊梅什么时候开,请问颐和园的腊梅在 下一篇:煮南瓜粥先放南瓜还是米,贝贝煮粥「解析」

