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  • 做销售怎么开发客户,请问做销售怎么开发客户

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:12
















      1. 咨询产品的质量:对于新客户来说,最常问的问题就是产品的质量问题。因此,在开发客户的过程中,销售应该要能够清楚的了解产品的质量和售后保障等内容并能够说出来,让客户放心购买。

      2. 询问价格:客户在了解了产品的质量和售后保障等内容之后,一般会询问价格。这时候,销售应该要清楚了解市场行情,给出客户合理的价格,让客户满意。

      3. 产品功能与特点:客户对于产品的了解程度不同,一些客户可能对产品有一些疑问,这就需要销售对产品有比较深入的了解了。在向客户介绍产品的功能和特点时,可以用一些故事性的资讯来吸引客户的注意力。

      4. 生产和发货周期:客户在下单之前,还会询问产品的生产周期和发货时间。销售应该要与客户做好时间计划,避免影响客户的使用进程。

      5. 产品的售后和维修问题:客户在关注产品的质量的同时,也会关注售后维修问题。销售应该要让客户清楚的了解售后服务,维修问题的解决方式,让客户放心购买。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Make good use of the chain reaction: make full use of the good cooperative relationship with existing customers, publicize and improve their reputation, and achieve the purpose of recommending new customers by old customers.

      2. To be diligent with hands and legs: Record all relevant situations that may become potential customers in time.

      3. Cultivate observation and judgment: watch more and listen more, correctly analyze the inner activities of customers, and stimulate the consumption needs of potential customers.

      4. Cultivate the ability to discover potential customers at any time: through market research, sales promotion, door-to-door visits, etc. Unremittingly communicate and cooperate with people from all walks of life, and try our best to discover customers from ordinary people around us.


      A client or customer can refer to a natural person or organization that accepts property, service, product, or an idea in exchange for money or some item of value. A purchaser of a business service or product who may be the final consumer, agent or intermediary within the supply chain. The traditional concept holds that customers and consumers are the same concept, and the meanings of the two can be indistinguishable. But for enterprises, customers and consumers should be distinguished. Customers are for a specific market segment, and their needs are more concentrated; while consumers are for individuals, their needs are more scattered. In the theory of marketing, suppliers must understand the supply and demand of customers and the market in advance of sales, otherwise hard sales advertising after the event is just a waste of resources.

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