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  • 怎么注册邮箱式支付宝,请问支付宝怎么用邮箱

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:29






      演示机型:华为MateBook X


      APP版本:QQ浏览器 v10.8.4506.400

       支付宝用邮箱注册共有4步,以下是华为MateBook X中支付宝用邮箱注册的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 点击页面中的立即注册 在浏览器上搜索支付宝,进入支付宝官网之后点击页面中的立即注册。 2 阅读信息点击同意 在下一个弹窗中,阅读服务协议和隐私权限,点击弹窗中的同意。 3 点击使用邮箱注册 点击同意之后,点击页面中的使用邮箱注册,在弹窗中点击同意服务协议。 4 输入电子邮箱注册 在邮箱注册页面中,输入电子邮箱并填写验证码,点击下一步进行即可。 END总结:以上就是关于支付宝怎么用邮箱注册的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。



    1、点击立即注册 打开支付宝的官方网站主页面,点击立即注册。

    2、点击切换 进入页面后,点击切换。

    3、点击同意 进入页面后,点击同意。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      APP version: QQ browser v10.8.4506.400


      There are 4 steps in Alipay email registration. The following are the specific operation steps for Alipay email registration in Huawei MateBook X: Operation/Step 1 Click Register Now on the page to search for Alipay on the browser, and then click Register Now on the page after entering the official website of Alipay . 2 Read the information and click Agree. In the next pop-up window, read the service agreement and privacy permission, and click Agree in the pop-up window. 3 Click to register by email After clicking Agree, click Register by email on the page, and click to agree to the service agreement in the pop-up window. 4 Enter your email address to register On the email registration page, enter your email address and fill in the verification code, and click Next to proceed. END The above are the specific steps on how to register with Alipay by email, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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