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  • 车上的雪是扫还是不扫,下雪了车上的雪用扫么

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:20














      答:要。车上的雪是要扫的。 将车停在室外,每次开车前要清除车玻璃上的积雪。不要上来就开雨刮,正确的做法是:先启动车子,打开热风,吹车前窗玻璃;然后用刷子或毛巾将雪除掉。如果有结冰现象,残留物可以用冰雪铲或塑料刮片等工具清除。等到雪基本除净,风挡上的冰雪融化后,车主才能正常使用雨刮器。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The snow on the car needs to be swept away. Regularly sweeping the snow on the car has a certain protective effect on the car and prolongs the service life of the car. If corrosive snow accumulates on the surface of the car paint, it will cause corrosion to the car paint, and in addition to being corrosive to a certain extent, the snow will also cause the doors and glass of the car to freeze over time.


    Hazards of snow to cars:


      Snow is formed by the direct condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere or the direct solidification of water droplets. It is not corrosive in itself. However, in many cities, there is a problem of excessive sulfur dioxide emissions, so the snow will contain sulfur dioxide, which will be corrosive to a certain extent; If corrosive snow accumulates on the surface of the car paint, it will cause corrosion to the car paint; in addition to being corrosive to a certain extent, the snow will also cause the doors, brakes and glass of the car to freeze over time. , it is more troublesome to clean up; in order to prevent the snow from corroding the car paint and the ice on the doors, car glass, and brakes, the snow on the car should be cleaned in time.

    上一篇:华为手机莫名其妙震动,华为手机莫名其妙震动 下一篇:地球同步轨道卫星高度(同步卫星轨道高度)「

