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  • 佛佛的网络语言是什么意思,请问网络用语佛系

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:24
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The online language of Buddha and Buddha refers to convincing. The word is a homonym of the word "I am convinced". It originated from the live broadcast room. As an Internet language, there are usually two common usages of this word. One is to express admiration and be convinced. The second finger is not really convincing, but as a silent expression.

      Network language type:

      1. Alphabet type: As the most basic form of online chat, font input needs to be transmitted to the other partys display screen through the keyboard or touch screen. The typing speed must be difficult to synchronize with thinking, and it is far from being as convenient as direct dialogue. Therefore, it is simple and efficient. The letters that replace Chinese characters have become the first choice for netizens to chat.

      2. Digital type: Netizens use the homophony and implication of digital characters to express many life terms in the form of digital combinations, which are simple to write and look clear at a glance, such as: 886 (bye bye).

      3. Mixed type: When simple letters and numbers are not enough to express the emotional appeal of netizens, the mode of mixing with words, English words, etc., according to needs, has become a non-mainstream expression on the Internet, such as: happiness ing, which means that you are enjoying the process of happiness.

    上一篇:大闸蟹放冰箱冷冻还能吃吗,请问大闸蟹放冰箱 下一篇:胡萝卜我们吃的是植物的哪部分,请问胡萝卜是

