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  • 大众新帕萨特冷车启动抖动(帕萨特1.8t冷启动抖

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:27













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Car shaking during cold start is a common problem with gasoline vehicles. The most fundamental reason for the shaking phenomenon of cold start or neutral waiting is that the combustion in the cylinder is not good. If the combustion is not good, the power provided by the car is not enough, and the car shakes. Low ignition energy. The first problem that the car faces when it is cold started is low temperature. The temperature in the engine is not enough, and the temperature of the fuel and lubricating oil is not enough. Therefore, more fuel should be injected during cold start to meet the power requirements. The larger the spark plug gap, the less ignition energy. The fuel atomization is not good at low temperature, the fuel needs higher ignition energy, and the ignition gap of the spark plug is easy to become larger when the car is used for a long time, resulting in a decrease in the ignition energy, which affects the power performance and makes the car shake. In addition, the aging of the ignition coil, the aging of the high-voltage wire of the spark plug or the leakage of electricity can also lead to a reduction in the ignition energy. Therefore, in the case of cold car start-up jitter, it is necessary to check and repair in time to avoid greater damage to the engine.

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