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  • 粉饼怎么用才不会斑驳,请问粉饼怎么遮瑕?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:39






      粉饼在湿用时可以起到粉底的效果,可以提高粉饼的遮盖力。湿用粉饼的方法也更加适合偏干性的皮肤,增加粉饼与肌肤的贴合度,使得底妆不易浮粉、卡纹。第一步:将粉扑用水打湿,并拧至八分干左右,注意不要太用力了,容易把粉扑弄坏。 第二步:轻轻抚平粉扑,使得残留在粉扑中的水分可以均匀地渗透进整个粉扑。第三步:粉扑沾取适量粉饼,上粉之前稍微抖一下。按照额头、脸颊、眼周、鼻子、唇周等顺序上粉,从内而外少量多次上妆。







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The powder can act as a foundation when it is wet, which can improve the covering power of the powder. The method of using wet powder is also more suitable for dry skin, which increases the fit between the powder and the skin, so that the foundation makeup is not easy to float and get stuck. Step 1: Wet the puff with water, and twist it until it is about eight minutes dry. Be careful not to use too much force, as it is easy to damage the puff. Step 2: Gently smooth the puff so that the moisture remaining in the puff can penetrate evenly throughout the puff. Step 3: Dip an appropriate amount of powder on the puff and shake it a little before powdering. Apply powder in the order of forehead, cheeks, eyes, nose, lips, etc., and apply a small amount of makeup from the inside out.

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