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  • 固沙宝有国家标准吗,请问固沙宝有哪些优点?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:42












      1. 固沙剂和固沙宝都是用于固定沙漠和荒漠地区沙丘的产品。2. 区别在于,固沙剂是一种化学物质,主要成分是聚合物,能够形成一层薄膜覆盖在沙丘表面,防止其被风吹走;而固沙宝则是一种植物复合材料,由多种植物根系和杆茎等组成,能够增加沙丘表面的植被覆盖,防止沙丘被风吹走。3. 虽然两种产品的作用不同,但是它们都能够有效地固定沙漠和荒漠地区的沙丘,减缓沙漠化进程,保护生态环境。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Rich functions: It has rich functions and strong practicability. It can not only be used for base surface reinforcement, but also has the functions of sand fixing, bonding, brick laying, waterproofing, etc., which can effectively avoid problems such as empty drum rotation on the base surface.

      2. Convenience in construction: It is easy to construct, and it can be applied directly to the base surface with tools, whether it is on the wall or on the ground. It can be used immediately after opening, no need to sprinkle water on the base surface in advance, no need to stir again, and no maintenance after construction, saving effort and worry.

      3. Strong practicability: Because of its rich functions, it is often used as a substitute for wall fixing, floor fixing, interface agent, etc. This can not only save the cost of decoration, but also effectively improve the adhesion of the wall, and also prevent the occurrence of hollowing and turning problems.

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