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  • 东渡日本的高僧是谁,请问中国高僧谁在什么时

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:50













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The eminent monk who traveled eastward to Japan was Jianzhen. According to records such as "Biography of High Monks in the Song Dynasty", Jianzhen, whose surname is Chunyu, was born in Jiangyang, Guangling. Tianbao Yuan Yearbook really decided to go to Japan to spread the precepts. Jianzhens five eastward trips were unsuccessful because he was blocked by the government or encountered by a hurricane. In the 12th year of Tianbao, Japan sent the Tang envoy Fujiwara Kiyokawa and others to Yangzhou to pay tribute to him and invited him to "preach the precepts to Japan", so he decided to make the sixth time. Dongdu, at the end of the fifth year of Tianping Shengbao, Japan, landed at Satsuma Akatsuyaura, Japan, together with Bhikkhu Fajin, Tanjing, Nizhishou, Upasepan Xiantong and others. Jianzhen is regarded as the first ancestor of the Japanese Ritsu School. In terms of construction, statues, murals, etc., he and his disciples adopted the most advanced technology in the Tang Dynasty, which added splendor to the formation of the artistic climax of the Japanese balance era. For example, the building complex of Zhaoti Temple in Tang Dynasty is a masterpiece left by Jianzhen and his disciples. The entire structure and decoration reflect the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty architecture, and it is the largest and most beautiful building in Japan in the era of balance.

    上一篇:发朋友圈的精美句子,太久不发朋友圈的文案. 下一篇:金丝熊几个月步入老年,请问金丝熊老年粮有哪

