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  • 今年的广东冬天冷吗,请问广东一年四季都不冷

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 16:04














      1、广东的冬天虽然温度不低,但是还是挺冷的,广东天气比较潮湿,冬天比较湿冷。 广东的冬天虽然不如北方时间(尤其是东北地区)长,但因为相对潮湿,同样的温度,人体感觉要比北方冷很多,如零上10度感觉要比零下10度冷。广东的冬天常常细雨绵绵,给人冷入骨髓的感觉,如果患有风湿等疾病,甚至会感到浑身酸痛,加重病情。 从物理学的角度来讲,空气越潮湿,热导率越大。广东的冬季湿度大,人体比较容易散失热量。中国北方的冬天比较干燥,加上室内有暖气。 扩展资料: 注意事项 在寒冷的冬天到广东旅游,多带点衣服是明智之举。广2、这是冬天最冷的时期。此时,包括中国南方在内的许多地方将出现降温天气。广东是中国南方的一个地区,一年四季天气都比较暖和,气温也不会很低。不过冬天会有降温,大部分在10月开始降温,11月转冷。


      1、你好 今年不会冷的,反正广东绝对不会低于零度 零度以上都不叫冷 零下结冰那才算正儿八经的冷刺骨2、不会太冷,可能温度会比往年低一点,但是也不会很冷。 根据惯例,只有在第四次和第五次冬季尝试之后,广东才会出现一些冬季迹象。在此之前,每一


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Guangdong is not cold all year round, because Guangdong Province belongs to the East Asian monsoon region, with central subtropical, southern subtropical and tropical climates from north to south. It is one of the regions with the most abundant light, heat and water resources in China. From north to south, the annual average sunshine hours increase from less than 1500 hours to more than 2300 hours, the annual total solar radiation is between 4200-5400 MJ, and the annual average temperature is about 19℃-24℃.

      Topography of Guangdong:

      Guangdong Province is located in the southernmost part of mainland China. It is bordered by Fujian in the east, Jiangxi and Hunan in the north, Guangxi in the west, and the South China Sea in the south. The east and west sides of the Pearl River Estuary are bordered by Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions respectively, and the Leizhou Peninsula in the southwest faces Hainan Province across the Qiongzhou Strait. The whole territory is located between 20°13-25°31 north latitude and 109°39-117°19 east longitude. It starts from Chizai Island in Nanpeng Islands, Nanao County in the east, and reaches Liangpo Village in Jijia Town, Leizhou City in the west, with an east-west span of about 800 kilometers; in the north, it starts from Shangao Village, Baishi Township, Lechang County, and in the south to Dengloujiao, Jiaowei Township, Xuwen County , with a span of about 600 kilometers.

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