1、钦州、北海、防城港合并 广西有钦州、北海和防城港三个沿海城市,但它们各自为战,容易陷入内耗,阻碍了广西海滨经济的发展。因此可以把三市合并成立地级北部湾市,行政中心设在钦南区。北部湾市下辖7个市辖区,4个县和一个县级市,将成为广西新的经济增长极。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片
2、崇左的扶绥、大新,河池的都安、大化,百色的平果,划归南宁管辖。 这几个县都和南宁接壤,与南宁形成了产业互动,划归南宁管辖,可以推动广西强首府战略的实现,发挥带动全区经济发展的引领作用。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片
3、柳州一分为二,北部设立地级桂北市 柳州下辖10个县区,数量较多,市中心又过于偏南部,北部缺乏一个经济发动机。可以把三江、融水、融安、柳城和鹿寨,5个县合并成立地级桂北市,其中融安撤县设区,为行政中心。 而柳州只保留柳江、柳北、柳南、鱼峰和城中五个市辖区。这样柳州和桂北两市互为犄角,可以协同发展。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片
4、梧州的蒙山、藤县划归贵港,岑溪划归玉林。 梧州版图呈V字形,西边的蒙山、藤县、岑溪对梧州缺乏认同感,分别划归贵港和玉林管辖,不仅有利于这三个县的发展,还能快速提升贵港和玉林的综合实力。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Hezhou City: a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located in the northeastern part of Guangxi.
2. Guilin City: a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and a provincial sub-center city, it is a world-famous scenic city, a holy land of wisdom for thousands of years, and an important national high-tech industrial base.
3. Hechi City: A prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is located in the northern part of Guangxi and at the southern foot of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, 314 kilometers away from Guilin City, which has the best landscapes in the world.
4. Liuzhou City: Liuzhou is a national historical and cultural city. It is the birthplace of "Liujiang people", one of the earliest ancient human beings in China. After Qin Shihuang unified Lingnan, it belonged to Guilin County.
5. Guests: a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It has been rated as the first batch of "National Public Cultural Service System Demonstration Zones" to create cities, "National Fitness Demonstration City", "National Civilized City Nomination City", "National Double Support Model City", "National Forest City" and "Guangxi Garden City".
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