1、使用前后等一等 电热水器忽冷忽热 有可能是因为水箱容量有限 因此当热水用完后 需要等待一段时间 才能让刚进箱的水达到设定的温度 使用建议:如果家里人较多,建议换成大容量的电热水器,或隔一段时间,等电热水器达到预设水温后再去洗澡。
2、检查热水器的入水阀是否开到最大 如果入水口没有开到最大 热水器可能会因为水流不够大 导致温度过高而启动熄火保护装置 使用建议:洗澡前,及时检查硬件设施
3、检查水压是否正常 同样的热量 需加热的水越多,温度上升得越慢 在流动水忽多忽少的情况下 如果加热量不变的话 出水的温度就会忽低忽高 使用建议:高楼层的住户建议安装增压水泵,给水管增加压力来提高水压。
4、定期清洗 热水器加热时是否伴有类似的气流声 当加热速度变慢的同时还有杂音 则说明热水器水垢积累较多 建议要及时更换电热水器的镁棒
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Water pressure problem: The first consideration is the problem of water pressure. If the problem of hot and cold occurs at the same time every day, it is basically certain that there is a problem with the water pressure. If the water pressure at home is unstable, you can Install a booster water pump.
2. Hose nozzle: The reason why the electric water heater is hot and cold is also related to the nozzle. When there is a problem with the hose inside the nozzle, it will not only affect the water output, but also cause the water to be hot and cold.
3. Too much scale: If there is no problem with the water pressure, it means that there is too much scale in the electric water heater. If we never clean the electric water heater after we buy it back, the scale in the electric water heater will increase. More and more, when there is too much scale, the electric water heater will have a series of problems, such as the water is hot and cold.
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