贝拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马,1961年8月4日生,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,美国历史上第一位非裔美国人总统。1991年奥巴马以优等生身份从哈佛法学院毕业,而后在芝加哥大学法学院教授宪法长达12年(1992-2004年)。2007年2月10日宣布参加2008年美国总统选举。2008年11月4日当选为美国总统。2009年10月9日获诺贝尔和平奖。2012年击败共和党候选人罗姆尼,成功连任美国总统。2017年1月20日正式卸任美国总统 。
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【英文介绍/For English】:
Obama and Trump. At 1:40 a.m. Eastern Time on November 9, 2016, the preliminary results of the US presidential election were announced. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump won the presidential election and became the 45th president of the United States.
Barack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is an American Democratic politician, the 44th President of the United States, and the first African-American president in American history. Obama graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1991, and then taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years (1992-2004). On February 10, 2007, he announced his participation in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Elected President of the United States on November 4, 2008. On October 9, 2009, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2012, he defeated Republican candidate Mitt Romney and was re-elected as President of the United States. He officially stepped down as President of the United States on January 20, 2017.
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