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  • 请问别克昂科威音响后排有吗?别克昂科威音响

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:05










      答:bose。2017款 别克 昂科威 音响 品牌是bose,昂科威配备BOSE音响,音质浑厚而有着环绕的效果。同时昂科威通过隐藏在车内的麦克侦测车内噪声声波,通过扬声器释放与噪音相反的声波,以此抵消车内噪音。BOSE是全美国最大的扬声器厂家之一,总部坐落在美国麻省,单是从事研究开发的工程师就有几百人,是一家全资独立公司。这个来自美国的老牌音响厂 商 ,曾经在别克、 凯迪拉克 、 日产 等品牌的车型上得到广泛配置,其中“Noise Reduction”主动降噪产品,可以主动检测行车噪音,并发送抑制声波,消除噪音并营造静谧的声觉氛围。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      If there is a sound in the rear row of Envision, but there is no sound in the rear row, it is recommended that the owner check the power supply, that is, the fuse box and the wiring. Check whether the audio output cable is disconnected, and consider whether the speaker is broken. The car audio is a radio and reception device for reducing the boring feeling of the driver and occupant during travel. The earliest used car AM radio, and later AM FM radio, tape player, developed to CD player and compatible with DCC, DAT digital audio. Now car audio has reached a high standard in terms of tone, operation and shock resistance, ensuring stable performance and perfect sound quality.

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