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  • 千足虫属于昆虫吗,请问千足虫是哪个昆虫的俗

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:20













      2、 按现代生物种类的划分,也就是狭义的昆虫,千足虫不在昆虫纲中,千足虫属于节肢动物门——多足亚门——倍足纲的生物。而在广义的昆虫中,千足虫算是昆虫,因为在我国古代把现代的节肢动物都算是昆虫 。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Millipede is the common name for Malu. Also called Millipede, Libraworm. It belongs to the phylum Arthropoda, the subphylum Polypoda, and the class Pleiopoda, consisting of somites. About 20-35 mm long, dark brown, with reddish yellow on both sides of the back and legs. Malu can spew liquid with a pungent odor. The largest millipede in the world is the African giant Malu, which can reach 38 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in diameter. The body is dark and shiny, and when touched, the body twists into a spiral shape.

      Malu Habits:

      Malu is fond of shade and humidity, and generally lives on the surface of lawn soil, under clods, blocks, or in soil crevices. It is generally dormant during the day and active at night. If it encounters danger or is touched, it will curl its body into a circular shape, in a state of suspended animation, and resume its activities after a period of time. Malu generally damages the young roots and young seedlings, stems and leaves of plants. The eggs of Malu are laid on the soil surface of the lawn. The eggs are laid in piles. There is a layer of transparent sticky material outside the eggs. Each head can lay about 300 eggs. At a suitable temperature, the eggs hatch into larvae in about 20 days, and mature after a few months. Malu breeds once a year and has a lifespan of more than 1 year.

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