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  • 你搜索别人抖音号别人知道吗,请问抖音账号搜

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:23






       演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13APP版本:抖音 19.7.0







      答:不知道。抖音搜索对方账号对方是不知道的。 只有进行点赞、转发、评论等互动操作,对方才知道。但是会有搜索记录,在对方核心数据概览的账号搜索量中能看到记录,也仅仅只是显示搜索的数量,不显示具体的用户。抖音没有给用户展现本人账号的搜索记录,所以任何人搜索自己的账号都是不能看到是谁的。只是在本人的核心数据概况里会显示当前账号被搜索的次数。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13&&Huawei P50&&Xiaomi 12

      System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13

      APP version: Douyin 19.7.0

      Douyin account search volume refers to the number of times others searched for each others account through the search box. The more searches, the higher the popularity of the searched person. In a short period of time, if the work is played, liked, and commented enough, the video is likely to become popular.

      Other features of Douyin:

      Douyin is essentially a short music video community focused on young people. Users can choose songs and add short videos to form their own works. It is similar to Xiaokaxiu, but the difference is that Douyin users can make videos more creative through techniques such as video shooting speed, video editing, special effects (repeat, flash, slow motion), rather than simply lip-synching. The Douyin platform is generally young users. The soundtrack is mainly electronic music and dance music. The videos are divided into two groups: dance school and creative school. The common feature is that they are very rhythmic. There are also a small number of users who put on lyrical music to show their coffee latte art skills, and they have become a clear stream in the Douyin circle.

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