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  • 力量训练有哪些注意事项,请问力量训练有哪些

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:29


















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Strength training includes plank support, abdominal crunches, supine leg raises, push-ups, standing dumbbell raises, barbell hip bridges, sit-ups, pull-ups, leapfrogs, running, lying down and balancing on both ends.

      1. Plank support: When doing plank support, keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, pay attention to tighten your buttocks, and don't tilt or collapse. The jaw is slightly tensed, the head is in a straight line with the body, the eyes are on the floor, the attention should be concentrated, and the head should not be raised or retracted.

      2. Abdominal crunch: The abdominal crunch is to bend your spine, keep your body curled, lift your upper back slightly, and keep your lower back close to the ground when you get up.

      3. Supine leg raises: When doing supine leg raises, lie flat on the ground or on a yoga mat, use your hands to help keep your body stable, and raise your legs 90 degrees. You can choose straight legs or bent legs according to your personal situation. When training, pay attention to keeping your back as close to the ground as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause back injury.

      4. Push-ups: Push-ups are very common movements in our daily life, but they are also a very good set of movements for strength training. Although the movements are not difficult, the effect of fitness exercises can be achieved only by standardizing them. The more common ones are standard push-ups, one-handed push-ups, and jumping push-ups.

      5. Standing Dumbbell Raise: Standing dumbbell Raise can be done by front or side raise. At the beginning, we stand on the ground, hold the dumbbells with both hands and relax them naturally on both sides of our body. After adjusting, let your hands exert force, so that your hands can be lifted up until your arms are parallel to the ground and your hands are straight. Then lower your arms and start the action again.

      6. Barbell hip bridge: an upgraded version of the hip bridge, the body lies flat on the mat, rolls the barbell to the top of the trainer's ilium, bends the knees to 90 degrees, puts the soles of both feet flat on the mat, and holds the barbell firmly with both hands. Grip wider than shoulder width. Tighten the buttocks and straighten the waist. You can use the two anterior superior iliac spines to clamp the barbell to make it jacked up. Keep your body in a straight line. Count to 5 silently at the highest point, and then slowly lower it down. This is counted as one movement. It is recommended that the middle section of the barbell be wrapped with sponge foam to reduce the pressure on the body from the barbell.

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