答:可以。这个应该是可以的吧,相差只有一公分的话基本上是没什么影响的啊, 原厂225 55 r17的胎改成245 45 r18误差最小,百度轮胎计算器,可以计算轮胎更换前后速度表的差值,其实有这样一个方法,同一款车各种配置的轮胎规格是不一样的,所以更换轮胎可以参考这一款车的其他配置的轮胎规格,举个例子,19款大众CC原厂有三种轮胎规格,区别是:330华颜版,330魅颜版,380魅颜版(225 55 r17),380矅颜版(245 45 r18),以及顶配380矅颜版的选配(245 40 r19),那么如果你的车是除顶配之外的款式,你要更换轮胎,就换成更高配置的车对应的轮胎规格就可以了
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Remove the tire nut with a special tool. The nut should be removed in diagonal order, otherwise it may damage the wheel hub.
2. Place the jack under the support point of the vehicle chassis, and then slowly raise the vehicle. After the vehicle is fully raised, the tire can be removed. If the fit is firm and you cant take it off, you can kick both feet appropriately.
3. Put the new tire back, and put the vehicle down after fixing the nut manually. Use special tools to tighten the nut, and pay attention to the diagonal tightening method, and then install the nut after the tire touches the ground.
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