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  • 请问丰田卡罗拉水温高怎么办?丰田卡罗拉2022款

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:28










      2022卡罗拉1.5升自动挡落地价137872元左右,以卡罗拉2022款 TNGA 1.5L CVT先锋版为例,这款车型的官方指导价为119800元,全款购车的话,加上商业保险和其他必要花费,落地价格在137872元左右;如果选择贷款买车的话,按照首付比例30%,贷款年限3年来算,首付款需要35940元才可落地,月供为2461元。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      If it is found that the water temperature is too high during the normal driving of the vehicle, you can open the engine cover and touch the water inlet and outlet pipes of the water tank with your hands to see if there is a temperature difference; if there is a temperature difference, it means that the thermostat is faulty. It is a faulty instrument or a faulty water temperature sensor. The engine antifreeze coolant is insufficient, check the coolant reservoir. If the engine compartment is not cleaned for a long time and there is too much dust, it will lead to poor heat dissipation of the radiator of the water tank, resulting in excessive water temperature. The water temperature is too high caused by too much dust on the radiator of the water tank, just clean the dust on the radiator.

    上一篇:请问大众途观刹车灯泡坏了怎么办?途观刹车灯 下一篇:请问跟陌陌一样的聊天软件有哪些?陌陌聊天软

