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  • 请问单反拍人像用什么镜头?尼康单反人像镜头

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:28







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It is recommended to use a 50mm or 85mm prime lens for SLR portraits. Aperture priority can be used to control the depth of field and take photos with sharp subjects and soft backgrounds. Turn the camera mode dial to the Av file, set the aperture value, it is best to use a fixed focal head with a large aperture for portraits, use the maximum aperture of the lens to shoot, and then gradually reduce the aperture to shoot, to obtain the best image.

      A single-lens reflex camera (SingleLensReflexCamera), also known as a single-lens reflex camera, refers to a camera that uses a single lens, and the light passes through the lens to shine on the mirror, and the camera is framing through the reflection. The so-called "single lens" means that the photographic exposure light path and the framing light path share a single lens, unlike rangefinder cameras or dual-lens reflex cameras, which have independent lenses for the framing light path. "Reflective" means that a flat mirror in the camera separates the two light paths. The first SLR camera was developed in 1909, and since the 1970s, the technology has been widely used, and SLR cameras have become the new favorite of advanced photography enthusiasts and professional photographers.

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