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  • 请问广汽传祺gs4空调压缩机异响怎么办?gs4空调

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-18 15:38














      压缩机异响的原因很多。比如压缩机电磁离合器损坏,或者压缩机内部磨损严重等。,这可能会导致异常噪音。 ①压缩机电磁离合器是异响的常见部件。压缩机经常在高负荷下从低速运转到高速,所以对电磁离合器的要求很高。而且电磁离合器的安装位置一般靠近地面,经常会接触到雨水和泥土。当电磁离合器中的轴承损坏时,会产生异常噪音。 ②除了电磁离合器本身的问题,压缩机传动带的松紧也直接影响电磁离合器的寿命。如果传动带太松,电磁离合器容易打滑;如果传动皮带过紧,电磁离合器上的负载将会增加。传动带松紧不对,轻则压缩机不工作,重则压缩机损坏。传动皮带工作时,如果压缩机皮带轮和发电机皮带轮不在同一平面,传动皮带或压缩机的使用寿命会降低。 ③电磁离合器反复接合也会造成压缩机异响。比如发电机发电量不足,空调制系统压力过高,或者发动机负荷过大,都会造成电磁离合器的反复接合。 ④电磁离合器与压缩机安装面之间应有一定的间隙。如果间隙过大,影响也会增大。如果间隙过小,电磁离合器工作时会与压缩机安装面产生干涉,这也是产生异响的常见原因。 ⑤压缩机工作时需要可靠的润滑。当压缩机缺少润滑油,或者润滑油使用不当时,压缩机内部会出现严重的异响,甚至压缩机会磨损报废。 建议及时报修。如果你阻止它,它会越来越响。轴承坏了,轴歪了,再修的时候可能就换整空机了。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. The electromagnetic clutch of the compressor is a common part of abnormal noise. The compressor often runs from low speed to high speed under high load, so the requirements for the electromagnetic clutch are very high, and the installation position of the electromagnetic clutch is generally close to the ground, and it is often exposed to rainwater and soil. When the bearing in the electromagnetic clutch is damaged abnormal sound occurs.

      2. In addition to the problem of the electromagnetic clutch itself, the tightness of the compressor drive belt also directly affects the life of the electromagnetic clutch. If the transmission belt is too loose, the electromagnetic clutch is prone to slip; if the transmission belt is too tight, the load on the electromagnetic clutch will increase.

      3. The repeated suction and closing of the electromagnetic clutch will also cause abnormal noise in the compressor. For example, the power generation of the generator is insufficient, the pressure of the air conditioning system is too high, or the engine load is too large, which will cause the electromagnetic clutch to repeatedly pull in.

      4. There should be a certain gap between the electromagnetic clutch and the compressor mounting surface. If the gap is too large, the impact will also increase. If the gap is too small, there will be movement interference between the electromagnetic clutch and the compressor mounting surface during operation. , which is also a common cause of abnormal noise.

      5. The compressor needs reliable lubrication when working. When the compressor lacks lubricating oil, or the lubricating oil is not used properly, serious abnormal noise will occur inside the compressor, and even cause the compressor to be worn out and scrapped. It is recommended to report for repair in time. If you stop it, it will become louder and louder. When the bearing is broken and the axis is crooked, when you repair it again, it may be to replace the entire air conditioner.

    上一篇:请问古龙水每个人用了味道一样吗?古龙水和香 下一篇:请问广汽传祺gs4开空调发动机抖怎么办?广汽传

