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  • 请问蛤蟆 田鸡 青蛙 有啥区别?田鸡和蛤蟆的区

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-18 15:39

      请问蛤蟆 田鸡 青蛙 有啥区别?田鸡和蛤蟆的区别「解析」

      据和记百科网站「青栀如初」消息,近日,请问蛤蟆 田鸡 青蛙 有啥区别?田鸡和蛤蟆的区别「解析」引发热议,田鸡和蛤蟆的区别同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?和记百科为您解答。


    蛤蟆 田鸡 青蛙 有啥区别











      首先,田鸡和蛤蟆的外形就有很大差别。田鸡外形比蛤蟆小巧,通体黄褐色或者花斑,有四肢,鼓起的眼睛可以左右转动。而蛤蟆则存有很显然的扁平体形, 背部浑圆,体表平滑,呈现深灰、暗棕或者墨绿。蛤蟆身上的皮肤上有众多的疣和溪纹,让沙滩上的人们看上去就像一个个小布偶。此外,田鸡的头部圆润,口吻短;蛤蟆的头部扁平,口吻长。




      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The difference between toad, frog and frog:

      1. Different skin and body color: frogs have 2 longitudinal folds from the back of the eyes to the base of the hind limbs, which are golden yellow or light brown, with a light longitudinal stripe in the center, and there are many horizontal black stripes on the hind limbs. The back is brown or yellow-green and the belly is white. The toad has rough skin, densely covered with wart-like protrusions of varying sizes, dark brown on the back and creamy yellow on the ventral surface. The frog is a tiger-striped frog, with yellow-green or gray-brown back, dark irregular markings on the back, head and side, dark horizontal stripes on the back of the limbs, white on the ventral surface, gray-black or brown markings on the throat and chest, and a few markings up to the abdomen.

      2. Different venom glands: Toads have abundant venom glands, which are divided into skin glands and post-auricular glands. Skin glands are distributed on the back of the body, where the epidermis is locally thickened into "warts". The post-auricular gland is above the tympanic membrane on the head. Carefully puncture the posterior auricular gland with a needle, and a milky white toxic serous fluid flows out. Frogs, including frogs, do not have poison glands.

      3. Different vocal sacs: The male frogs of frogs and frogs have a pair of vocal sacs behind the mouth corners. When making sounds, the gas in the mouth is pressed into the vocal sacs, making it expand into a spherical shape. Female frogs have no vocal sacs. And toads, male or female, do not have vocal sacs.

      4. The connection between the ureter and the cloaca is different: the two ureters of frog and frog are connected to the cloaca respectively, and there are two openings on the wall of the cloaca; while the two ureters of toad are first merged into a common ureter, and then enter the cloaca in the wall of the cloaca. There is only 1 opening on it.

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