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  • 请问京东闪购是什么意思?京东品牌闪购规则「

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-19 15:58






       演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13APP版本:京东 10.4.3









      1、闪购怎么报名 进入京东闪购,会有些做图的要求,按照要求填写报名,报名,产品图的要求尺寸会再后台也显示出来,报名货品,报名完毕后,联系京东负责人进行审核。 审核完毕后,会形成一个链接,这个链接就是上线的页面链接可以待检查,然后就可以按照申请的排期进行上线了。


      3、品牌场次 品牌场次分为单品牌和多品牌场次,多品牌场次最多3个品牌。POP开放自主提报除旗舰店场次外,同类目下同品牌每天仅在线3场次。

      4、SKU规则 提报数量:最低8个SKU,上限10000 好评率:好评率>;=90% 动销率:30天内有动销(非标品按照SPU维度)



      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13&&Huawei P50&&Xiaomi 12

      System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13

      APP version: Jingdong 10.4.3

      JD.com is a shopping app under JD.com, which is mainly engaged in clothing, shoes and bags, accessories, beauty, luxury goods, home, mother and baby, sports and outdoor. JD.com provides all-round solutions for brand owners to meet their overall needs from listing to inventory clearance on the JD.com platform. JD.coms logistics system can also enable merchants to enter warehouses nearby and sell across the country, reducing the cost of goods turnover and transportation.

      Features of JD Flash Sale:

      1. Jingdong flash sale is that some big merchants give preferential treatment to some unsellable goods, that is, the remaining inventory, and will sell it at a lower price than before. Clearance processed.

      2. The Jingdong flash sale is updated every morning at 10:00. The products of Jingdong flash sale are generally famous life products, brand specials, that is, the clothes we usually wear, as well as shoes and bags. And Jingdong flash sale will also support the service of cash on delivery.

      3. Jingdong flash sale items are guaranteed to be genuine, and Jingdong has a good reputation, and most of the merchants are regular. However, when we conduct flash sales, we still need to pay attention to distinguish the true and false, and buy real cheap and good goods through Jingdong Flash.

    上一篇:请问家暴上诉状交上去可以打电话问法官什么时 下一篇:请问记得身份证号码可以去塘厦买票去广州吗?

