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  • 请问苹果13几寸屏幕?苹果13是lcd还是oled「干货」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 09:57






       演示机型:Iphone 13系统版本:iOS15.4






      iPhone 13是美国苹果公司于北京时间2021年9月15日凌晨1点在Apple Park发布的iPhone手机。 iPhone 13采用6.1英寸OLED屏幕;高度约146.7毫米,宽度约71.5毫米,厚度约7.65毫米,重量约173克;配有红色、星光色、午夜色、蓝色、粉色、绿色六种颜色。iPhone 13具有IP68级防水,采用独家超瓷晶面板;搭载1200万广角镜头+1200万超广角镜头后置摄像系统,前置为1200万像素摄像头;搭载A15 Bionic芯片,支持5G,有128G、256G、512G可选;售价为799美元(5999元人民币)起。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13

      System version: iOS15.4

      The iPhone 13 is an OLED screen. OLED is an organic light-emitting diode, which is a new type of product on mobile phone OLED and is known as a "dream display". Unlike traditional LCD displays, OLED display technology does not require a backlight and uses a very thin coating of organic materials and a glass substrate (or flexible organic substrate) that emits light when an electric current is passed through it. Moreover, the OLED display screen can be made lighter and thinner, with a larger viewing angle, and can significantly save power consumption. OLED is also known as the third generation display technology. Todays major international manufacturers are scrambling to increase their investment in OLED technology research and development, making OLED technology more and more widely used in todays TVs, computers (displays), mobile phones, tablets and other fields.

    上一篇:请问什么是能源互联网服务的中心?中国互联网 下一篇:请问苹果手机序列号x开头是哪里产的?苹果手机

