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  • 请问身高一定要报晚净吗?数学身高手抄报「专

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 09:58













      男孩=45.99+0.78×(父身高+母身高)÷2±5.29cm女孩=37.85+0.75×(父身高+母身高)÷2±5.29cm 男生 (父亲身高+母亲身高)÷2×1.08女生 (父亲身高×0.948+母亲身高)÷2标准身高体重体重=(身高-100)×0.9


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Height does not have to be reported late. The measurement of height is usually not divided into morning cleaning and evening cleaning, but the detection and measurement time must be marked, usually based on the new height in the morning. Before using the height measuring instrument to measure the height, the subject should take off his shoes. The reading of the intersection of the highest point on the top of the head and the vertical line of the column of the height measuring instrument is the real height, and the reading of the height should be expressed in centimeters.

      Average height:

      On June 30, 2015, the State Council Information Office released the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2015). The report shows that in 2012, the average heights of adult men and women aged 18 and over in China were 167.1 cm and 155.8 cm, respectively.

      On December 23, 2020, Li Bin, deputy director of the National Health and Medical Commission, said: According to the "Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020)", the average height of Chinese men and women aged 18-44 is 169.7 cm and 158 cm, respectively.

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