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  • 请问小米手机经常黑屏是怎么回事?小米手机经

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:50






      演示机型:Xiaomi 12 Pro

      系统版本:MIUI 13

       小米手机经常黑屏是开启了双击亮屏与息屏功能。解决小米手机经常黑屏共有3个步骤,以下是Xiaomi 12 Pro中解决经常黑屏的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 桌面上点击设置 在手机桌面上,点击设置图标。 2 点击息屏与锁屏 在设置页面中,点击息屏与锁屏选项。 3 关闭双击亮屏与息屏 在息屏与锁屏页面中,将双击亮屏与息屏的按钮关闭,即可解决经常黑屏。 END总结:以上就是关于小米手机经常黑屏是怎么回事的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。





      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Xiaomi 12 Pro

      System version: MIUI 13


      Xiaomi phones often have a black screen because the double-tap to turn on the screen and the screen-off function is turned on. There are 3 steps to solve the frequent black screen of Xiaomi mobile phone. The following are the specific operation steps to solve the frequent black screen in Xiaomi 12 Pro: Operation / Step 1 Click Settings on the desktop On the mobile phone desktop, click the Settings icon. 2 Tap On screen and lock screen On the Settings page, tap the screen off and screen lock option. 3 Turn off the double-tap to turn on and off the screen On the off-screen and lock screen pages, turn off the double-tap to turn on and off the screen to solve the frequent black screen. END The above is the specific operation steps about why the Xiaomi mobile phone often goes black, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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