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  • 请问小米手机总是弹出广告怎么办?小米手机弹

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:55






      演示机型:Xiaomi 12 Pro

      系统版本:MIUI 13

       解决小米手机总是弹出广告共有4个步骤,以下是Xiaomi 12 Pro中解决总是弹出广告的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 桌面上点击设置 在手机桌面上,点击设置图标。 2 点击“通知”选项 进入设置页面,点击“通知”选项。 3 点击通知管理选项 进入通知页面,点击通知管理选项。 4 打开限制广告的按钮 进入通知管理页面,点击限制广告的按钮打开,即可关闭自动弹出广告。 END总结:以上就是关于小米手机总是弹出广告怎么办的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。





    3、在系统安全界面, 点击广告服务。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Xiaomi 12 Pro

      System version: MIUI 13


      There are 4 steps to solve the problem of pop-up ads on Xiaomi mobile phones. The following are the specific steps to solve the problem of pop-up ads in Xiaomi 12 Pro: Operation/Step 1 Click Settings on the desktop On the desktop of the mobile phone, click the Settings icon. 2 Click the "Notification" option to enter the settings page, click the "Notification" option. 3 Click the notification management option to enter the notification page and click the notification management option. 4 Open the button to restrict advertisements Enter the notification management page, click the button to restrict advertisements to open, and then close the automatic pop-up advertisements. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to deal with pop-up advertisements on Xiaomi mobile phones, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

    上一篇:请问茵陈可以和红枣一起煮吗?蒲公英茵陈红枣 下一篇:请问手撕盐焗鸡的烹调方法是什么?手撕盐焗鸡

