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  • 商南县美食小吃,商南县美食...「专家回答」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-23 14:57











      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Shangnan Scissor Noodles: Shangnan Scissor Noodles are rounded at both ends and in the middle, in the shape of a shuttle. They are eaten and cooked now. They are cooked in a soup that has been hanged in advance, supplemented with different side dishes, and rise and roll in a copper pot to form the final result. Different taste characteristics. There are six flavors of scissors noodles, home-style, sauerkraut, mushroom and chicken nuggets, three mushrooms, beef and spicy, each with its own characteristics.

      2. Cornmeal fish and fish: Cornmeal fish and fish is a special delicacy of Shangnan. It is made of corn flour into thick porridge, then funneled into strips with a special funnel, put into water, and formed after cooling down, and served with seasonal wild vegetables. Mix well with seasoning and eat, the entrance is smooth, sour and delicious.

      3. Pulp Scallops: Wash the leaves of tung nut, spread them out, apply a layer of raw pulp cake, put a layer of fried stuffing on the pulp cake, and then fold the leaves in half in the middle to form an axial symmetry, and then place the Once the leaves are sticky, put them in the pan for about 20 minutes.

      4. Guoliuzi: Guoliuzi is also known as Guoliuliu, pot side rice. Guoliuzi is a kind of meal that Shangnan people often ate during the food difficulties in the 1960s and 1970s, because it does not require a lot of flour to make this kind of rice. As a staple food after drinking, it looks clear and bright and tastes good. Full of fragrance, and can sober up appetizers, Shangnan's Guoliuzi has a variety of ingredients, including shrimp skin, tomatoes, green vegetables, tofu, etc. The texture is soft and tender, delicious, economical, and very popular.

      5. Shangnan wild mountain vegetables: Shangnan is located in the mountainous area, surrounded by mountains, the wild mountain vegetables are extremely rich in resources, with a variety of varieties, such as toon, sophora japonica, shepherd's purse, bracken, water celery, thorn bud, mustard jasmine leaf, gray gray vegetable, platycodon grandiflorum All over the mountain. It is delicious and delicious, with various tastes, can be stir-fried, salad, various eating methods, is a pure natural green health food.

      6. Baogu wine: Shangnan Baogu wine has a long history. Corn is called Baogu in the local area, so the wine produced is called "Baogu Liquor", which is a real pure grain wine. Dry mouth, not the characteristics of the head.

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