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  • 商品房交付使用从什么时候算,请问商品房交付

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-23 15:08































      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The buyer of the defective commercial house may request the developer to rectify it within a time limit; if the quality of the house does not meet the contractual standards, cannot be repaired, or fails to meet the agreed quality standard after repair, the buyer may refuse to accept the house and request to terminate the commercial house sales contract.


    Citing regulations:

    Article 35 of the Measures for the Administration of the Sales of Commodity Houses


      After the commercial house is delivered for use, if the buyer believes that the quality of the main structure is unqualified, it may entrust a project quality inspection agency to re-examine in accordance with relevant regulations. After verification, if the quality of the main structure is indeed unqualified, the buyer has the right to check out; if losses are caused to the buyer, the real estate development enterprise shall be liable for compensation according to law.


    Article 563 of the Civil Code


      The parties may terminate the contract under any of the following circumstances:

      (1) The purpose of the contract cannot be achieved due to force majeure;

      (2) Before the expiry of the performance period, one of the parties expressly or by its own behavior indicates that it will not perform the main debt;

      (3) One of the parties delays the performance of major debts, and fails to perform within a reasonable period after being urged;

      (4) One of the parties delays the performance of debts or has other breaches of contract, which makes it impossible to achieve the purpose of the contract;

      (5) Other circumstances prescribed by law.

      For a non-term contract with continuous performance of the debt as the content, the parties may terminate the contract at any time, but they shall notify the other party before a reasonable time limit.

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