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  • 上海违规落户怎么处理,请问在上海落户有犯罪

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:34













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Those who settle illegally in Shanghai will be dealt with to cancel the account. The Shanghai Municipal Labor, Personnel, Education Commission, Civil Affairs and other departments will deal with the illegal settlement, and if it is verified that the party has committed fraud, a decision will be made to revoke the registered permanent residence. Illegal settlement refers to illegal operations in the household registration management, resulting in the formation of a household account that does not meet the conditions stipulated by the place of settlement.

      Settling down refers to registering a household registration in a certain place and staying there for a long time. To settle in a certain place, it is necessary to meet the conditions stipulated by the place of settlement and go through certain procedures before settling in the place. Household registration needs to be relocated in accordance with Article 10 of the "Regulations on Household Registration of the Peoples Republic of China": "If a citizen moves out of the jurisdiction of the household registration, he or the head of the household shall apply to the household registration authority for registration of moving out, obtain a transfer certificate, and cancel the household registration before moving out."

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