大众途观空调会有臭味,主要是臭味产生于空调蒸发器,我们也都知道黑暗、潮湿是霉菌生长所需的三大条件,空调系统具备了以上条件,几乎所有汽车 空调都无法避免蒸发器上霉菌的生长。一般空调使用一两年后,就会传来一股难闻的酸腐气味,越潮湿、温暖的地区越容易产生。 建议车主在空调使用过程中要预防产生冷凝水,空调清洁后还会吹出发霉气味的,这是因为空调管道内的冷凝水形成一个阴暗潮湿的环境,非常适合霉菌的繁衍而造成的。预防的方法是,在停车前几分钟关掉冷气,稍后开启自然风,在停车前使空调管道内的温度回升,减少与外界的温差,保持空调系统的相对干燥。
【英文介绍/For English】:
It is suggested that car owners should prevent the generation of condensed water during the use of the air conditioner. After the air conditioner is cleaned, it will blow out a musty smell. This is because the condensed water in the air conditioner pipeline forms a dark and humid environment, which is very suitable for the reproduction of mold. Turn off the air-conditioning a few minutes before parking, turn on the natural wind later, and increase the temperature in the air-conditioning duct before parking, reduce the temperature difference with the outside world, and keep the air-conditioning system relatively dry.
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