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  • 煮薏米粥要放多少水,请问薏米煮粥要泡多久才

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:26
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Depending on your preferences. There is no hard requirement for this. Generally, barley doesn’t absorb much water, and you don’t need to add too much water. It is recommended to add about 5-6 cm more water than the ingredients; if you like to drink thick porridge, you can put less, and if you like thin porridge You can add a little more, but be careful not to make it too thick or too thin, otherwise it will affect the taste of barley porridge.


    How long to cook barley porridge:


      1-2 hours. The cooking time of barley porridge is related to many factors such as the amount of ingredients, whether it is soaked in advance, and the cooking container. The specific time cannot be determined, because the texture of barley is relatively hard, so the cooking time will be longer, and the more ingredients, the more difficult it is to cook cooked; the barley soaked in advance is more likely to rot than the directly boiled barley; the cooking time in a pressure cooker will be much shorter than that in an ordinary casserole. Generally, it takes 1-2 hours to cook barley porridge. Judging by the state, it is generally boiled until the barley blooms and is soft. If you like it softer, you can cook it for a while.

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