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  • 青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗 不酸,请问青西红柿

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:02

      青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗 不酸,请问青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗?

      最近有很多热心网友都十分关心青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗 不酸,请问青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗?这个问题。还有一部分人想了解青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗 不酸。对此,和记百科小编「青栀如初」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。










    青西红柿能炒着吃吗有毒吗 不酸









      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Stir-fried green tomatoes are edible, but it is best not to eat green tomatoes, because green tomatoes are not cooked through, it contains solanine, which is a toxic substance, but fried green tomatoes go through a high temperature environment, solanine Kwaisu will be broken down, so it can be eaten properly.

      Tomato is a vegetable that is often seen in life. It can be eaten raw or fried, but if it is a green tomato, do not continue to eat it, otherwise it will cause poisoning. Green tomatoes are not fully ripe and taste a bit bitter. Tomatoes that are really edible should be red in color. This kind of tomato is completely ripe and can be eaten with confidence.

      Green tomatoes contain a lot of fruit acids, which will stimulate the stomach acid in our body, purify the blood, and stabilize our blood pressure. The premise is that the green tomatoes must be fried and not eaten raw.

      Tomato is tomato, which is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the order Tubularfloweres, Solanaceae, and Tomato genus, with a body height of 0.6 to 2 meters, all of which have viscous glandular hairs, strong odor, stems that are easy to lodging, and leaves that are pinnate or compound. Pinnately parted, peduncle 2-5 cm long, usually 3-7 flowers, calyx radial, corolla radial, berry oblate or nearly spherical, fleshy and succulent, seed yellow, flowers and fruits in summer and autumn.

      Tomatoes are native to South America and are widely cultivated in northern and southern China. Tomato fruit is rich in nutrition and has a special flavor. Can be eaten raw, cooked, processed tomato paste, juice or whole fruit canned.

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