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  • 苹果13promax有几个卡槽,请问苹果13promax几个颜色

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:02






       演示机型:iPhone 13 pro max系统版本:iOS15.4

      苹果13pro max有1个卡槽。苹果13pro max的双卡是在同一个卡槽内,放置时需要注意芯片朝外。用卡针插入机身左侧的卡槽孔,取出卡槽,可以在卡槽的正反面各放入一张手机卡,再放回卡槽即可。苹果13pro max手机支持双卡双待功能,支持双nano-SIM卡,不兼容现有的micro-SIM卡。用户可在设置中选择数据和语音SIM卡。使用双卡要求使用两项移动通信服务,不支持同时使用两项CDMA移动通信服务,且仅部分运营商支持双VoLTE。





      iPhone 13 Pro Max是苹果公司于北京时间2021年9月15日发布的智能手机。iPhone 13 Pro Max有远峰蓝色、石墨色、金色、银色、苍岭绿色等5种颜色。采用超瓷晶面板和亚光质感玻璃背板,搭配不锈钢边框设计。iPhone 13 Pro Max采用搭载5核图形处理器的A15仿生芯片。搭载新的广角、超广角和长焦摄像头,能够拍摄精美的照片和视频,并带来微距摄影、微距视频等Pro级摄影功能。还提供深度融合技术、Apple ProRaw和支持人像光效的人像模式。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: iPhone 13 pro max

      System version: iOS15.4

      Apple 13pro max has 1 card slot. The dual cards of the Apple 13pro max are in the same card slot, and you need to pay attention to the chips facing outwards when placing them. Insert the card pin into the card slot hole on the left side of the fuselage, take out the card slot, put a mobile phone card on the front and back of the card slot, and then put it back into the card slot. Apple 13pro max mobile phone supports dual card dual standby function, supports dual nano-SIM cards, and is not compatible with existing micro-SIM cards. Users can select data and voice SIM in settings. The use of dual SIM requires the use of two mobile communication services, the simultaneous use of two CDMA mobile communication services is not supported, and only some operators support dual VoLTE.

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