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  • 请问人类发明创造的故事有哪些?关于人类发明

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 10:00
















      正确答案:仓颉造字、女娲造人、神农氏尝百草、鲁班造伞、鲁班造车、鲁班造锯、爱迪生发明灯泡居里夫人发明镭爱因斯坦相对论牛顿发现地心吸引力外国发明家费莱明发明青霉素彭奈迪脱斯发明安全玻璃比罗次发明圆珠笔西门子研制发电机本茨发明汽车(内燃机趋动)贝尔发明电话马可尼发明无线电报诺贝尔发明炸药伊戈尔·伊万诺维奇·西科斯基---第一架实用直升机罗伯特·汤姆森第一个充气轮胎 富尔顿制成蒸汽汽船.戴姆勒制成的第一台汽油机,1886年又制成世界上第一辆四轮内燃机汽车.


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The stories of human inventions and creations include Cangjies creation of characters, Edisons invention of electric lamps, Bi Shengs invention of movable type printing, Zhang Hengs creation of a seismograph, and Lubans creation of an umbrella.

      1. Cangjie coined words: Cangjie resigned from office and traveled around the world to visit and record historical events. Three years later, he returned to his hometown of Yangwu Village, Baishui, and sorted out various materials and created various symbols representing all things in the world.

      2. Edison invented the electric light bulb: Edison used more than 6,000 kinds of materials and tested more than 7,000 times, all of which failed. Edison, who was good at summarizing after failure, finally developed the light bulb.

      3. Bi Sheng invented movable type printing: wood movable type printing with wood as the main material. At first, the wood characters would expand after encountering water, and it was extremely difficult to maintain a good printing effect. Later, related technologies developed and solved the problem. This problem is gradually spreading.

      4. Zhang Heng built a seismograph: During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng had frequent earthquakes. After years of research, the seismograph was finally invented in the first year of Yangjia. The seismograph has eight positions, and each position has a dragon head with a dragon ball in its mouth. If an earthquake occurs on any one side, the dragon ball contained in the dragon mouth in that direction will fall. into the mouth of the toad.

      5. Lubans umbrella: Luban was inspired by the lotus leaf on the childs head playing in the rain. After repeated experiments, he finally created an umbrella that can be opened and closed.

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