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  • 请问起步三点头什么意思?车子起步三点头「记

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 10:00











      4、 车子开始起步后,慢慢松离合完毕,把右脚放在离合左边,右脚轻踩油门,关闭左方向灯。





      起步三点头是指新手开车起步时,油门和离合器配合不好,车会出现“点头”现象。注意起步的时候要按照慢抬离合、轻给油的步骤,使车辆能够平稳顺滑的起步行使,不出现不平稳、拖档、死火、不顺畅的现象。 开车起步的技巧: 1、逆时针走一圈,打开车门;左手放在车门手柄处,右手放在方向盘的12点位置,伸进右脚,坐上位置,收回左脚,关好车门。 2、调整座位,左脚踩踩离合器,看看你是否很轻松踩到到底离合器。系上安全带,检查手刹,档位,手刹是否抬起,档位是否空挡。 3、打左方向灯,按喇叭,左脚踩离合器,记住是一脚踩到底,右手挂一档, 左手放在方向盘的九点位置,右手挂完后放在手刹位置,轻抬离合,半联动状态;记住看仪表上的发动机转码,如果转码没有到1500码,右脚轻下踩油门, 车头抖动,右手迅速放下手刹,然后放到方向盘。 4、 车子开始起步后,慢慢松离合完毕,把右脚放在离合左边,右脚轻踩油门,关闭左方向灯。 5、道路良好的情况下,在加速行驶的过程中, 如果发动机仪表显示到了1500码,左脚踩离合,挂进2档,松开离合,让车数适合档位,20公里以上2档,30公里以上3档,40公里以上4档,50公里以上5档。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Three nods at the start means that when the novice starts driving, the accelerator and the clutch do not cooperate well, and the car will "nod". Pay attention to the steps of slowly lifting the clutch and lightly supplying oil when starting, so that the vehicle can start smoothly and smoothly, and there is no phenomenon of instability, dragging, dead fire, and unsmoothness.

      Tips for starting a car:

      1. Walk counterclockwise and open the door; put your left hand on the door handle, put your right hand at the 12 oclock position of the steering wheel, put your right foot in, sit on it, retract your left foot, and close the door.

      2. Adjust the seat, step on the clutch with your left foot, and see if you can easily step on the clutch to the end. Fasten the seat belt, check the handbrake, gear, whether the handbrake is up, and the gear is neutral.

      3. Turn on the left turn signal, honk the horn, step on the clutch with your left foot, remember to step on the bottom with one foot, put your right hand in the first gear, put your left hand at the nine oclock position of the steering wheel, put your right hand in the handbrake position after hanging up, lightly lift the clutch, Semi-linked state; remember to look at the engine transcoding on the meter, if the transcoding does not reach 1500 yards, lightly step on the accelerator with your right foot, the front of the car shakes, quickly put down the handbrake with your right hand, and then put it on the steering wheel.

      4. After the car starts, slowly release the clutch, put your right foot on the left side of the clutch, lightly step on the accelerator with your right foot, and turn off the left turn signal.

      5. When the road is good, in the process of accelerating driving, if the engine meter shows 1500 yards, step on the clutch with your left foot, engage in 2nd gear, release the clutch, and let the number of cars fit in the gear, 2nd gear above 20 kilometers, 3 gears above 30 km, 4 gears above 40 km, 5 gears above 50 km.

    上一篇:请问人类发明创造的故事有哪些?关于人类发明 下一篇:请问日产奇骏雨刷器怎么使用?日产奇骏档位使

