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  • 玉米须能晒干再煮水喝吗孕妇,请问玉米须能晒

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:22







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. After drying the corn silk, the nutrients in it will not be lost. On the contrary, the nutrition of the corn silk after drying is stronger than that of the fresh corn silk, but it takes longer to boil the dried corn silk so that the nutrients can be fully dissolved. in water. Corn silk, Chinese medicine name. For the style and stigma of the grass maize. Most of the country is produced. Summer and autumn fruits are collected when they are mature, and impurities are removed. Use fresh or sun-dried.

      2. Corn silk often gathers into loose clusters, the style is linear or whisker-like, the complete ones are up to 30 cm long, 0.5 mm in diameter, light green, yellow-green to brown-red, shiny, slightly transparent, stigma 2-lobed, forked Open, soft, no gas, light taste. Soft and shiny are preferred.

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